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Books for sure
School if you need it.


I do not know you.
You will have to tell me - or discover for yourself -
just what your Dream is.

I can act as a facilitator, a guide, someone to talk with.
In fact, I look forward to talking with you - simply to explore ideas.

And to be a Participant, you will be required to read some books. At this time there are three:
Mirror Test by Kael Weston - that motivated me to action - and just a grand book.
It is past time for this kind of shared reckoning. More of us beginning to act conscientiously, indeed responsibly, as citizens—engaged
citizens—seeking to better understand and learn from these 9/11 wars.
When we look into that mirror, let's not turn away.
_Mirror Test by Kael Weston

Wind Sand and Stars by -Antoine de Saint Exupéry :
To be a man is, precisely, to be responsible.
It is to feel shame at the sight of what seems to be unmerited misery.
It is to take pride in a victory won by one’s comrades.
It is to feel, when setting one’s stone, that one is contributing to the building of the world.

Remembrance Rock Carl Sandburg's only novel. Sandburg described it as an epic, weaving the mystery of the American Dream with the costly toil and bloody struggles that gone to keep alive and carry further that Dream.

<-My friend, Don Q

This is an experiment - and you are the test sample.
Just as you, and all of us, are test samples for the experiment of the United States of America.
The things I talk about in this site: I have done and can help you to do.
If you or other Participants fit the Concept, but I am unable to supply the information you need for your Dream, then we shall try to find it elsewhere - probably at a school. We are not promising you a full tuition to whatever course you choose. We will consult with you, negotiate with school and other groups, and do our best to help you advance in the direction you wish to go.
But Caution:
I will not do them for you.
I have limits in capabilities, knowledge, and finance.
I also have obligations to family and others.
YOU have the freedom - and obligation to make your major decisions and maintain your moral beliefs.
So do I - and any other Participant.
Finally, there are some actions in/with which I will not participate due to my beliefs.
